The plan is for this blog to be a one-stop spot for all of your DIY art supply needs. You can use the search box to find anything specific you are looking for (I try to tag posts pretty thoroughly), or you can just browse at your leisure. As I am a painter, the majority of things will likely be geared towards the painters but I am going to be having some guest bloggers and consultants in other fields (and more specific fields) to share the things that they have D-ed themselves.
If you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to comment or email some requests and I will find a way for you to DIY whatever you're searching for. I'm here to help, educate and entertain as best I can.
(Sculptors--stay tuned in the future as I have a sculptor friend lined up to share some of his DIY designs for tools.)
As far as my discussion in the DIYs and How-Tos go, I will always give you more information than you need. I believe it is extremely important to become intimately familiar with your materials because the better you understand what you're working with, the better your results will be. As I amass more articles, I will try to move materials information on the most common materials to its own page.